Devlog 1 – Wizard and Golem Mechanics

We have recently started our production phase. We were working on several mechanics so we could add them to the wizard and the golem.

Our aim was to connect the different powers, so the golem and the wizard worked together to solve different puzzles. Before the mechanics expansion we had only the pillar power. This power allowed the golem to create a small stone pillar on the ground and then both the wizard and the golem could rise it in order to lift objects like gates or props. Moreover, the wizard could use this power to launch himself up to access unreachable areas.

However, this dynamic didn’t really fit our project because we believed it wasn’t a real connection between both characters. We tried to implement the rock throw mechanic to the pillar power. Now the only one who would be able to create pillars is the wizard, and the golem would enable him to create pillars in walls or from a certain distance.

We created a small playground to test this new mechanic, but we finally decided to just give magic powers to the wizard because it didn’t live up to our expectations.


We were running out of time and in the past 6 months of development we couldn’t reach a conclusion. Now, the golem will only enable the wizard by moving different objects and destroying elements in the levels.

The wizard on the other hand will be able to grow the pillar slowly to push objects or by charging it to launch objects and he can even interact with himself.

On the other hand, we added another new mechanic to our wizard. A magic wind orb which activates mechanisms and can bounce on certain kind of surfaces. This power is yet on development so we will give you more information on new devlogs.

Stay tuned to keep up on the new updates of our project. 

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