Devlog 5 - Production

Production is a key element in the development of a video game. Since projects are limited in terms of budget and time, it is necessary to keep your feet on the ground in order not to exceed the scope. In the end, projects are based on a triangle whose sides must be scaled equally.


For example, if you want to increase scope, you need to also expand time and cost. Keeping this theory in mind is key to proper project management.

Throughout Hunsa's development, numerous difficulties have been encountered in focusing the scope of the project. We tend to always want to go one step further and make the best game possible. However, we realized that the resources we had were limited and, as a result, we could not make the game we wanted. One of the hardest decisions we had to make was to relegate the golem to a more secondary role. We spent months trying to come up with a fun design, but we didn't succeed. We didn't have time to keep trying and we cut it.

When working on a game under a set of time constraints you must make tough decisions. It's the producer's job to decide what should be continued and what should be cut to make sure the game comes to fruition.

In the end, a designer's job is to make the game as fun and interesting as possible. The producer, on the other hand, must ensure that the project, in this case the game, sees the light of day.


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